- Total green industry output, including multiplier effects, were $196.07 billion in 2013, comprising 0.72% of all gross domestic product, and 2,035,636 jobs in the broader economy, or 1.11% of all employment.Hodges, A.W., Khachatryan, H., Hall, C.R., and Palma, M.A. (2014). Production and marketing practices and trade flows in the United States Green Industry, 2013. Southern Cooperative Series Bulletin.
- In 2009, the growing urban forestry market in California supported 60,067 jobs resulting in $3.3 billion individual income.Urban Forestry (2009). Urban and Community Forestry at a Glance. California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection
- Total environmental horticulture industry sales were estimated at $10.711 billion in Florida, including:Hodges, A.W., Khachatryan, H., Rahmani, M., and Court, C.D. (2016). Economic contributions of the environmental horticulture industry in Florida in 2015. Project report to Florida Nursery, Growers and Landscape Association of Orlando, Florida.
- $2.753 billion for nursery producers
- $4.431 billion for landscape service firms
- $1.239 billion for horticultural retailers
- $1.041 billion for wholesalers, and
- $1.247 billion for allied firms.
Retailers and Employees
- Average annual sales per horticulture retailer and wholesale grower in 2013 was $1.83 million.Hodges, A.W., Khachatryan, H., Hall, C.R., and Palma, M.A. (2014). Production and marketing practices and trade flows in the United States Green Industry, 2013. Southern Cooperative Series Bulletin.
- Average annual sale per horticulture employee in 2013 was $102,355.Hodges, A.W., Khachatryan, H., Hall, C.R., and Palma, M.A. (2014). Production and marketing practices and trade flows in the United States Green Industry, 2013. Southern Cooperative Series Bulletin.