Green Infrastructure Improves Urban Environments
This research focuses on the challenges posed by development in the wildland-urban interface and opportunities for increasing resilience through an integrated approach…
This research focuses on the challenges posed by development in the wildland-urban interface and opportunities for increasing resilience through an integrated approach…
Substantial research conducted among non-ADHD populations has shown that “symptoms” of ADHD—inattention and impulsivity—are reduced after exposure to natural views…
Street trees have a number of benefits from aiding in traffic control to business improvements to health benefits
Street trees when planted strategically and grown efficiently can prevent stormwater runoff and improve soil retention.
Excessive heat events are particularly dangerous and can result in above-average rates of mortality, excessive heat exposure contributed to more…
Urban Forests can aid in the reduction of the heat island impact by shading concrete from the sun and stopping…
Many urban waterways suffer from excess nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P), feeding algal blooms, which cause lower water clarity and…
Urban Trees can retain rainfall in their crowns, delay stormwater runoff, increase the infiltration capacity of urban soils, and provide…
1. What is the effectiveness of urban tree planting on reducing runoff, nutrient and sediment? 2. How does effectiveness vary…
Narrower streets are safer for cars, tree density is an element of street environments that are proven not to increase accident rates.
Research showing greener spaces with reduced crime, published by the Journal of Environment and Behavoir
Classroom views to green landscapes cause significantly better performance on tests of attention and increase student’s recovery from stressful experiences.
In a comprehensive study of Boise’s stormwater management practices, researchers found suspended pavement tree systems to be the least cost effective for…
For developers and builders, managing the impact of stormwater is a given: the law requires it. But increasingly, they’ve ceased…
Addressing Urban Runoff and Water Supply Through Low Impact Development
The Urban Forest Action Plan was developed to implement the goals established in the management plan. The goals the action…
The Greenworks initiative, begun in 2009, set a new vision and ambitious goals in 2016.
Twenty-five leaders from all sectors of urban forestry met in a forum to identify needs and opportunities for urban forestry…
Hedonic pricing studies capture added value, and potential increase in tax base.
Parking lot bioswales provide valuable stormwater and pollutant reduction, especially with planted trees.
Not just a city-sponsored plan, but the product of real community-wide collaboration.
Design Specifications and Drawings Templates for Green Streets.
Onanadaga NY’s eight-year green infrastructure plan sets goals and monitors implementation. Here trees are the key.
A model ordinance for other Gulf Coast communities subject to severe weather and flooding.
Azavea, producers of OpenTreeMap, evaluate eleven different software packages — some free, others fee-based. Each offers tree location and condition…