Urban Residential Tree Canopy and Perceived Stress Among Pregnant Women
This study examines the association of urban residential tree canopy cover with perceived stress in a cohort of pregnant women…
This study examines the association of urban residential tree canopy cover with perceived stress in a cohort of pregnant women…
Manual developed by the U.S. Forest Service for tree management and maintenance; includes images.
Providence Neighborhood Planting Program’s 2022 planting program aimed to foster community leadership without burdening neighbors with the responsibility of tree…
In order to make a real impact on Tree Equity, Newport Tree Conservancy (NTC) remodeled their 2022 planting program by…
Manual con imágenes para el manejo de árboles desarrollado por el Servicio Forestal del Departamento de Agricultura de Estados Unidos.…
Becoming a green street steward is a rewarding way to care for your community and help to keep Portland’s rivers…
More than $1 billion from President Biden’s Investing in America Agenda will increase urban tree cover, boost equitable access to…
In this study, present-day street tree occupancy, diversity, and composition in Baltimore, MD, were examined to determine whether neighborhoods reflect…
The complete analysis includes economic impact numbers, employment numbers, industry outlook and a resource valuation for the region and partnering…
This work has reached new urgency given the need for both high-performance landscapes that can mitigate the effects of climate…
This guide covers compelling arguments for increasing or retaining urban trees. Given that only about 20% of urban and suburban…
The Urban Tree Canopy Assessment Toolkit is based on three years of collaboration across local, regional and national partners to…
Forests play an important role in mitigating many of the negative effects of climate change. One of the ways trees…
The Forest Service’s Urban Forest Connections webinar series brings experts together to discuss the latest science, practice and policy on urban forestry…
The American Public Health Association (APHA) and the Alliance for Disease Prevention and Response (Alliance), in collaboration with Community Commons,…
The Forests in Cities Resource Library is a curated source for urban forest managers and other practitioners to explore best…
The Nature’s Impact on Human Health Guide is a resource primarily intended for practitioners and community leaders seeking to evaluate…
The White House Council on Environmental Quality (CEQ) released a beta version of the Climate and Economic Justice Screening Tool…
Many communities of color—often in cities—disproportionally lack access to safe, well-maintained green spaces to enjoy these health benefits. Our Parks…
Natural ecosystems, green and blue infrastructure can help mitigate pollution, reduce risks from floods, heat waves and provide healthy air…
Hojas informativas, folletos, flujograma, terminología
Estudios de caso
Fichas técnicas, folletos, diagramas de flujo, terminología
Si sembramos árboles en áreas urbanas y queremos tener éxito, debemos conocer las maneras correctas de mantenerlos y los reglamentos…
Es importante dotar las zonas urbanas de parques, espacios recreativos al aire libre, franjas de siembra en las aceras con…